Integrity Makes You Feel Great!

Manager of the Quarter- Q123 Shelley

Let’s first define integrity: according to Websters, it is “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles or ‘moral uprightness.’” When we define integrity in our values, we state “strive to do the right thing, even when it isn’t easy!”. 

Integrity can mean so much more, though. When we discuss our Mission and Values, we also talk about treating everyone we meet, whether it be internal guests (co-workers) or external guests, with dignity and respect as we want to “make people feel valued”. Integrity aligns closely with that mission.  

I am a firm believer in the Golden Rule to “treat others as you would wish to be treated”. I believe that this goes hand in hand with the power of positive thinking. When you think positively, act positively, are honest beyond reproach, and treat others with respect and dignity; you are working hard to live your best life and that will come back to you in ways that you cannot even imagine.

I know that we in the hospitality industry work with folks from all backgrounds, upbringings, cultures, and, yes, even moral beliefs. I am certain that almost every one of us worked with someone that was impolite, rude, and possibly just generally angry. Fortunately, our value of integrity should help us see past that and help us find a positive way to assist these folks even potentially turning their day, and possibly their whole outlook, around. We have the opportunity in these situations to be the superhero and wear the big “S” on our chest. Think about the feeling of joy you have when you make a friend or family member’s day. This is no different and can possibly make you feel even better because you were able to help a total stranger completely shift their outlook on life and, in many cases, you will see it happen right in front of you. By doing the right thing, no matter how that person’s actions may make us feel, we show our integrity. 

It is these acts of integrity that help all of us, not only personally, but in business as well. Because when you treat people with integrity, they are 300% more likely to become loyal customers that will come time and time again, as we made them feel as no others might have been able to.

So, remember to treat EVERYONE you encounter with respect and dignity. Strive to do the right thing and hold an optimistic outlook, even when it isn’t easy. This will truly have a beneficial impact on your own outlook and, I might be so bold as to say, your life.

Thank you all for all you do to take care of each other and our guests. Keep up the GREAT work!
